EUROPE & DEMOCRACY — Interview with Michèle RIVASI, EELV MEP

In the European Parliament, the majority of the elected representatives repeat the voice of the master and sing the same songs as national governments and the media. If they are right, why do they refuse to officially invite scientists who defend other positions? 

Why did the PETI Commission ignore the hundreds of petitions from citizens critical of the political management of Covid, including the one signed by nearly 200 researchers, professors and doctors, for violation of art.24 of the European Constitution, on the rights and protection of children. According to our sources, the latter would have been stifled in the summer of 2022, as the president of the PETI Commission blocked it, labeling it « extreme right-wing activity. » 

What is the COVI Commission waiting for to call these signatories for a hearing? Who really decides in Parliament? We went there to meet Michèle Rivasi, one of the few MPs to question Covid policies. 

An opportunity to look back on these 3 years.

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