Doctors: essential to Nazism

Following the « forced » vaccination of hundreds of millions of people around the world, The Lancet, based on the proven fact that doctors in general (and not just « extremists ») played a major role in Nazi crimes, calls on the profession to « examine its conscience ». It’s easier to judge history, while the current crimes of injection continue, and the « idiot » points to past collaboration rather than the current one*…

« The Lancet » scientific journal calls on the profession to examine its conscience and recommends that historical facts be integrated into the training curricula of healthcare professionals.

« The crimes were not committed solely by extremist doctors » or « under duress »

The medical profession played a « central role » in the crimes of the Nazis, according to a report presented on Thursday, November 9, which calls on today’s doctors to learn from this past to oppose directives if necessary. « The crimes were not committed solely by extremist doctors » or « under duress », according to the results of this study published in the British scientific journal « The Lancet », which sweeps away « long-circulating misconceptions » to minimize the profession’s responsibility.

By 1945, between 50% and 65% of non-Jewish German doctors had joined the Nazi party. A proportion « far higher than in any other academic profession », according to this 80-page document based on academic sources, described as « the most comprehensive » to date « on the atrocities committed ». In all, eugenics, euthanasia and « brutal human experiments » carried out in a medical context resulted in « at least 230,000 deaths » among the disabled, Jewish patients and deportees, including 7,000 to 10,000 children. Around 300,000 forced sterilizations have been carried out.

By 1945, between 50% and 65% of non-Jewish German doctors had joined the Nazi party. A proportion « much higher than in any other academic profession ».

A lasting reputation

« Contrary to popular belief », « medicine in Nazi Germany was not a pseudo-science », and « Nazi research » sometimes « became an integral part of the canon of medical knowledge », notes the report. For example, « today’s understanding of the effects of tobacco and alcohol on the body was fueled by research conducted during the Nazi era ».

Some criminals acquired lasting fame after the war without ever revealing the context of their research, like the rector of the University of Vienna, Eduard Pernkopf. His reference anatomical atlas, published in many countries and used without controversy until the 1990s, was based on the corpses of murdered people. A founder of child psychiatry, Elisabeth Hecker, was also celebrated for decades, with Germany awarding her the Order of Merit in 1979, even though she sent many minors under her care to their deaths.

Duty to remember

In addition, « the methods developed » between 1939 and 1941 to kill patients with gas were then reused on a very large scale « in the extermination camps in Poland », the study points out. The authors recommend that these historical facts be incorporated into the training curricula of healthcare professionals, as it is « often surprising how little they know » today, « apart from perhaps a vague notion of Josef Mengele’s experiments at Auschwitz ».

But they also go further, arguing that this duty to remember should enable doctors to learn to oppose directives that pose ethical dilemmas. The report cites nurses supervising the interrogation of terrorists, triage in hospitals during mass influxes of patients, and end-of-life care. This research was carried out as part of a Lancet commission that brought together for the first time some twenty international experts to discuss the history of medicine ».

* « Une étude décrit le « rôle central » des médecins dans les crimes nazis », article in Le Figaro: The hat is by the editors of Kairos. 

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