Chronicle of a killing. 1.

When an individual or an organization constitutes a risk for the power in place, or could become dangerous for the latter, the habits are generally not — yet — in Belgium to the physical elimination of the dissident. Constantly trying to say what they don’t do and do what they don’t say, armed with their media arm, governments can’t name their censorship, so they retreat to rules they themselves have enacted. In this mafia-like system, the organizations that are supposed to constitute safeguards against « deviations » are in fact only structures at the service of the order in place, only present to give the illusion of a possible contestation. A retaliatory measure for them is therefore to deprive the recalcitrant of the public money they are supposed to receive. 

Kairos has benefited from the periodical press aid of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation since 2014, which supports the publishers of a press title. If we met all the conditions to benefit from a small part of the taxpayers’ money, it was however obvious that not everyone would like it, which is quite normal… except when these people are in power. Olivier Marroy was able to express this on September 28 in a parliamentary commission, a great defender of just causes who was outraged that« public funds are used to finance such a rag », speaking of the newspaper Kairos. However, we had never seen the man outraged, for example: that the Walloon government earns money with the National Arms Factory of Herstal; that money — still public — is distributed to pharmaceutical companies; that flood victims are still without housing months after the floods(1)that millions of euros are distributed to the media of power. 

Relying on the Pavlovian reflex that makes journalists and politicians salivate at the slightest publication that deviates from their doctrinal path, the deputy lets loose, which will lead us, in front of the insult, to write to the subsidizing power, namely the cabinet of the minister Bénédicte Linard(2).

Letter dated September 30, 2021 to Minister Bénédicte Linard

The minister replied to us and introduced her letter in this way: 

At the end of his letter, we were tacitly warned of the future that was in store for us: 

Here is my answer to the letter whose extracts are reproduced above: 

Having nothing to back up the catch-all assertion of « conspiracy theories » and« fakenews », no complaint to file against Kairos média, they used other, more insidious techniques. From now on, in order to receive aid to the periodical press, it will be necessary to be a member of the Authority for the Self-Regulation of Journalistic Ethics (AADJ(3)).

Formed by co-option like other self-instituted and self-regulated bodies, AADJ is now indirectly vested with the power to decide whether a publisher is eligible for periodical support, since it can ultimately decide whether or not to join.

As members of the AADJ, notably: François Ryckmans (who was in the accreditation commission for the press card and notably decided not to renew it for me), Martine Simonis (secretary general of the AJP), who responds to the multiple censures and police violence we are subjected to with silence, except when it is a question of copying and pasting the complaints of the mainstream media towards me, like that of Philippe Delusinne (boss of RTL), also at the AADJ, also effective member of the Commission of appeal for the press card (of which also André Linard, the father of the current minister of the media, is a member(4)); Gilles Milecan(5) (AJP lawyer, IPM), Gabrielle Lefèvre (President of the Press Card Accreditation Commission). The full members are all from the AJP, so it is obvious that from now on it will be the AJP that will decide if we are entitled to the subsidies or not… 

The ADDJ is financed by media publishers and journalists and has a budget of 160,000 euros. The AJP receives a subsidy from the French Community. It depends on the government of the French Community and therefore directly on the Minister of Media.

A big family, made up of members who are certainly not fond of seeing Kairos continue to thrive, and who manage to make censorship look like compliance.

Notes et références
  1. Voir
  2. Nous avons expliqué les faits dans une vidéo:
  3. « L’AADJ est la structure juridique qui supporte le CDJ et en assure le fonctionnement. Elle est constituée en asbl et est composée d’une assemblée générale, d’un conseil d’administration, d’un bureau et d’un secrétariat général. Les membres fondateurs de l’AADJ sont des médias ou associations de médias, parmi lesquelles les associations professionnelles des journalistes et celles des éditeurs. Le pouvoir de décision est partagé équitablement entre les représentants des éditeurs de médias et ceux des journalistes. L’AADJ est l’interlocutrice, notamment des pouvoirs publics, pour les questions institutionnelles. Le CDJ n’a pas de personnalité juridique propre. Il est le bras opérationnel de l’AADJ et est notamment l’interlocuteur du public pour les questions de déontologie journalistique. Il exécute les missions confiées par le décret qui le reconnaît. La composition des deux instances est différente ; seule une partie des membres du CDJ le sont aussi de l’AADJ. »
  4. André Linard, père de l’actuelle ministre des médias, pour qui « le journalisme citoyen n’existe pas » (voir, est l’ancien secrétaire général du Conseil de déontologie journalistique.
  5. Nous lui avions envoyé le 19 janvier un courrier marquant notre étonnement de n’avoir jamais été répertoriés dans l’index des médias belges de l’agenda annuel de l’AJP. « Bonjour, Pourriez-vous me fournir une explication sur l’absence du journal Kairos dans l’index des médias des agendas annuels de l’AJP des années précédentes, jamais repris dans le relevé des presses périodiques? Il est en effet étrange de priver ceux qui reçoivent ou achètent cet agenda de prendre connaissance de l’existence du journal Kairos. Dans l’attente d’une réponse de votre part ». A ce jour, nous n’avons reçu aucune réponse.

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