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CALL FOR WITNESSES — Side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine

More and more reports of more or less serious — and even fatal — side effects following vaccination against Covid are being received from various sources. 

A small group of lawyers is already in charge of about ten cases of this type, but in order to give more legibility and credibility, and therefore more chances of success, it would be appropriate to set up one or more collective actions grouping together a larger number of victims of these side effects. If you and/or people you know are in this situation, contact the newspaper (e‑mail address: info@kairospresse.be) which will forward your details to the lawyers, who will then contact the people concerned.

Attention: it is essential that the side effects be objectivized by a certificate or a medical report that establishes the causal link between the vaccination and the pathology; in other words, a simple personal complaint of migraine or dizziness is obviously not enough! 

From a financial point of view, it is clear that the more participants there are in collective actions, the more the individual contribution to fees and costs will decrease. In addition, if you have a replacement income (unemployment, CPAS, mutual insurance company, disability, etc.) you are entitled to « legal aid », and the State will take care of your financial contribution free of charge. On the other hand, if you have « legal defense » or « legal protection » insurance, contact your broker to get the insurance company that covers you involved. Thank you in advance for your collaboration! 

Please accept the assurance of my respectful consideration and thank you in advance for the follow-up that will be given to this letter. 

Dedicated feelings,

X — Lawyer

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