External contribution

« Balance your bar »: about the increase of rapes with drug use

The opinion of a hypnotherapist specialized in the treatment of trauma

The Loneliness of the Hypnotherapist: this is what I have been experiencing for the past thirty years in front of the numerous victims of rape with drugs and their unsuspected sufferings.

Whether it takes place in a family in order to practice incest without arousing the suspicions of those around by guaranteeing the victim’s silence, whether it is the fruit of a solitary « craftsman » or whether it is the work of an organized gang that abuses the victims and has them raped by others — with or without retribution — the symptoms are always more devastating than in the case of a « simple » rape without the use of drugs.

The attacks that took place in two bars in the Ixelles cemetery (university district of Brussels) and the « throw your bar » movement that followed, have finally brought to light a phenomenon that is already old but is multiplying nowadays.

What a relief to see that the media was briefly aware of and echoed one of the most virulent traumas of all: the rapes — mainly of women — and sexual abuse of children(1) perpetrated by means of drugs!

Since then, I have contacted a large number of journalists hoping that this « news story » will lead to a real investigation, to a report denouncing the danger, and to the recognition of specific treatments.


In the general public’s mind, the idea is too often that if the victim was raped in her sleep,  » it’s not as bad as if she had been conscious at the time of the rape … »

Nothing could be further from the truth.

In law, we speak of simple and qualified theft. It is time for the legislator to consider and differentiate simple rape from « qualified rape with use of drugs ».

Law is not my profession: who am I to suggest that?

As a psychotherapist, I have been working daily for many years with RTP (Reassociative Trauma Psychotherapy) to treat trauma victims.

As a result, I have met several times with victims of rape with drugs, discovered the devastating characteristics of this trauma and, above all, developed specific means of treatment.



The first case of this kind that caught my attention (around 1990) was that of a young woman, interned in a psychiatric ward for months, who had unjustly received the title of psychotic and, in its wake, the pharmacopoeia usually prescribed in cases of psychosis.

Her behaviours were of course inappropriate (e.g., one day she literally threw herself on the psychiatrist to perform oral sex on him). I was called in after we realized that she was mutilating her vagina every night in the shower with knives or scissors.



During the first hypnosis session, she recovered the memory of the gang rape organized by one of her teachers and students from her last year of high school, during their graduation celebration! Desensitization of this memory cleared up the symptoms. Without this early intervention, this girl’s life would have been ruined in a thousand ways, as is always the case with rapes perpetrated when the victims are « asleep », which is wrongly assumed to be without too many consequences. On the contrary, we should take the full measure of the increasing seriousness of the situation in cases of rape with drugs.


Whether it is by means of GHB, which we are currently talking about, Ketamine, benzodiazepines (Valium, Temesta, Ceresta, Clozan, etc.), Rohypnol, formerly known as the drug of oblivion, which has been withdrawn from sale in pharmacies but is now available on the Net, or opiate-based syrups (which are all too often used with children), all of these drugs are frequently used to rape both adults and children, and they have even more serious after-effects than « simple » rapes and sexual abuse.

Having nothing or only a few fragments of memory of the trauma, they will nevertheless have the same after-effects as all victims of rape. Without understanding the cause, they will feel guilty, will precipitate/assist to the debacle of their life: failures, sabotage, self-destruction mechanisms, nightmares, mutilations, etc. will be their lot.

And, in addition to the trauma of the rape(s) captured and inscribed in the depths of their unconscious/flesh/memory, it is necessary to know that before the rape, these victims underwent a first trauma because, not understanding what was happening to their failing body « without reason », they believed that they were dying.


It is based on numerous observations by hypnotherapists trained in PTR and in the specific means of treating rape with drugs(2). With a little common sense, bar owners, nightclub doormen, etc. should no longer let anyone take a staggering, half-unconscious person away under the pretext of having had too much to drink, unless they request that the ID cards of the « helpers » and the person being carried be photographed. If refused, the supported person should be retained in the facility.

Unless you are planning a drug rape… what good Samaritan would refuse to let his ID card be photographed?

Gérald Brassine

Director of the Milton Erickson Institute of Belgium (1984), www.imheb.be

Notes et références
  1. Faut-il parler de ça aux enfants ? Prévenir, détecter et gérer les abus sexuels subis par les enfants. G. Brassine. Disponible papier aux Editions de l’IMHEB et en e‑book sur Kindle Amazon en français, espagnol et arabe.
  2. L’Institut M.Erickson de Belgique a formé depuis ces 15 dernières années des centaines de thérapeutes qui pratiquent en Belgique, France, Suisse, Rwanda et en Haïti qui pourront aider rapidement, parce qu’en douceur, les victimes de traumas avec et sans usage de stupéfiants. Pour en savoir plus sur le traitement des viols avec usage de stupéfiants, voir l’article paru dans la revue française Hypnose et Thérapies Brève N° 35 (Novembre-décembre-janvier 2015) et sur www.imheb.be

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