Open letter to Chirec

When we went to one of the Chirec Group’s hospitals last week to meet with a manager to explain the Covid situation, we were kindly turned away and asked to send a request by email, which we did directly. The person in charge of communication at the hospital where Sophie Wilmès is staying, told us the next day by e‑mail that she was unfortunately unable to respond positively to our request. However, we would have found it interesting to know what is happening at Delta, a hospital-factory located in Brussels, a structure, it is no secret, whose vocation is to make money with health.


Having refused to receive us for an interview, because your  » institution has other priorities to manage for the moment », could you however, and this in the general interest of the population to be informed, answer the following questions:

- What is the capacity of your hospital in terms of Covid-19?

- How many patients are currently hospitalized for Coronavirus?

- How many are in intensive care?

- What is the condition of the latter?

- How many deaths can be attributed with certainty to Covid in your hospital in the last few days? 

- Are patients in Covid-19 units routinely tested?

- How do you distinguish Covid patients from those with other conditions (flu, respiratory, etc.)?

- If your unit is not full, have you honored the agreement to receive patients transferred from other saturated hospitals?

- Do you accept non-creditworthy Covid-19 patients?

We look forward to hearing from you.


Alexandre Penasse

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