1) Covid in the light of other experiences: GDR, Romania, Chile

Illustré par :

Louis Trouveroy  » I am worried about the totalitarianism under the pretext of health, which is growing stronger every week « , I confided last September to an acquaintance sitting on the terrace of the Café Randaxhe, in the Liège district of Outremeuse, which I like so much.  » Moo, what are you coming with?!  » she giggled,  » nothing to see, we are a thousand miles away! The day when a political police will arrest you at home at six in the morning to take you with a hood over your head to a torture center, you will be able to talk about totalitarianism, or dictatorship, if you want « . In contrast to her terrible words, she then dipped her lips with relish into her draft beer, an act whose very possibility is a matter of democracy, isn’t it? It is common to read or hear this kind of politically reassuring words associated with health catastrophist words about the Delta-variant who arrived at the beginning of the school year in order to make the curve of hospitalizations go up (ah, the …
  1. George Orwell, Sur le nationalisme et autres textes, Payot, 2021, p. 109.
  2. Cf. https://www.kairospresse.be/de-quoi-devrions-nous-avoir-peur/?highlight=Bernard%20Legros
  3. Cf. Michel Freitag, Formes de la société. Vol. 3. Totalitarismes, Liber, 2020.
  4. Marc Weinstein, L’évolution totalitaire de l’Occident. Sacralité politique, I, Hermann, 2015.

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